Tripes has a big beefy rider who could manhandle the bike but he was also very smooth. The factory Hondas were silver back then with distinctive florescent red silencer tips and stripes on the top of the the tanks. '73 was the first year for Honda racing 2 stokes and motocross in the rapidly growing U.S. motocross market.
I don't really have any clear pictures of Mike Hartwig but he was riding a Husky that day in the support class. He is the blur near the fence in the lead. I had never heard of him before but he was the first rider I ever saw that didn't seem to be fazed by his attitude off jumps. Normally at that time, due to the suspension limitations, most riders would always land rear wheel first and standing to absorb the landings. Hartwig didn't seem to care if it was a front wheel landing or not he was just real fast and impressive as an up and coming rider. The potential of his career was cut short by injury and he did not end up building on his early promise.
Billy Grossi riding the open class factory Kawasaki.
Tripes and the Baldwin loam.
Karsmakers blows up a berm as he passes Rich Eierstedt's factory Honda.
Karsmakers won that day as he did during most of the '73 season.